Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Cheetah is the Fastest Land Animal

!9# The Cheetah is the Fastest Land Animal

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The Cheetah

The cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus, is sometimes referred to as the smallest of the big cats. It is not a member of the Big Cat genus Panthera. These are sometimes referred to as the roaring cats. Cheetahs do not roar, but a wide range of sounds to make. Once, when some visitors to see the zoo cheetahs Monart, were surprised to hear this big animal-ow me like a pussy cat home.

Unusual cat

The Cheetah does not behave like most cats. Thedo not climb trees, and their claws are partially retractable. Instead, the design is sacrificed some of the capabilities of most cats have to gain extra speed.


The cheetah is the fastest land animal seems to be over a short distance. You can run to over 100 km / h (60 mph). You also have to accelerate very quickly. Its acceleration is much faster than most cars.


Cheetahs usually live in areas with tall grass, so they are goodmasked and their prey can not see. They try to close the small antelopes and other animals of medium size, and then they do with their phenomenal speed. No animal can get a cheetah, a short distance, but most of their usual prey, run fast and keep it for much more than a cheetah. If the Cheetah reached with the loot, try to beat the animal with a blow from its paw. The Cheetah uses a lot of energy in each hunt, and must restbefore the next one. Only about half of the chases are successful.


Once killed, the Cheetah, must eat in a hurry. There are many other animals that come and chase the Cheetah is to steal his meal. Leopards, lions, hyenas and leopards, hunting dogs are all doing this. A cheetah can hurt to touch so efficient, and leave their meal rather than fight and risk injury. I also filmed a cheetah chasing a man seen by histo kill.

A meal

People do not have a menu item for the Cheetah. A grown man is surely to tackle the large size of this cat. But even though I've never seen a report of an attack that the children could not be alone in danger.


There are perhaps 10,000 cheetahs in the wild. This is about one-tenth the number that existed a century ago. Their range is greatly reduced, there are no cheetahs in India and Iran are very few left. The genetic variationof the surviving Cheetahs is very low. The main threat is habitat loss and competition with Human Beings both for space and for prey species.

The Cheetah is the Fastest Land Animal

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